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The EP-950 with NEW Ergo-ankle system Embrace - reversed back therapy with the highest level of comfort and safety! The patented ankle closure is designed to distribute weight comfortably around the foot and heel, allowing inversion experience more comfortable, safe and relaxing. Add this outstanding new feature Teeter Flex technology patented injection molded construction with wire handles EZ, EZ Stretch handles, and EZ Tether Strap for maximum stretching and decompression. Improving the health back, relax muscles, decompress comfortably and safely with the 950.Whether PE improvement you want to improve your posture, reduce back pain, or simply minimize your daily stress, the Teeter Hang Ups EP - 950 invertedIt really works beautifully.I recommend this specific Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 Inversion Table With Healthy Back DVD readily,for everyone.This is the best deal Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 Inversion Table With Healthy Back DVD ever.
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